Bathroom services

Bathrooms are no longer utilitarian rooms that just need to have running water and tile finishing. Today’s modern bathroom is a place of Zen where one goes to get fresh – both in body and mind. Our Los Angeles design and construction team understands this. And that is why we strive to make sure that your finished bathroom is a space that that truly reflects you while achieving that cozy, clean, and elegant look.

If you are looking to design bathrooms for your new Los Angeles home build or want to renovate an existing bathroom that is not that pleasing, we can help you with the entire process from design to build.

Bathroom plumbing works

Good plumbing a key part of your bathroom’s infrastructure. A beautiful bathroom with poor plumbing will require lots of repairs down the line. And that will need some part of the bathroom to be torn apart. So it is important to nail the plumbing work as the build is going on. Part of the plumbing objectives of a bathroom design and build is to ensure that there is enough water pressure going to the faucets, showerheads, and tubs. Another is to ensure that the pipes are installed properly and are of high quality to avoid leaks or burst pipes later on.

Bathroom electrical work

Electrical work in bathrooms is almost as important as plumbing. One area where electrical work is crucial in a bathroom build or renovation is lighting. We strive to ensure that the lighting fixtures are well positioned to ensure that your bathroom is well-lit. This also includes taping into free natural light from the sun. Electrical work in a bathroom design and build also entails making sure that hot water supply is in order. We advise on the best hot water systems for your needs depending on the size of the household and then ensure that installation is done well.

Wall & floor tiling

Tiling is a very visible part of bathroom finishing and aesthetics. Not only is it important to have tile work that looks good, how it is installed is even more important. For example, bathroom floor tiles need to be textured to prevent slipping and potential accidents when wet. Floor tiles are also supposed to be installed at a gradient to allow easy water drainage. Other technical parts of tiling that show true professionalism is use of quality adhesive, and proper grouting to prevent water from seeping through the tile gaps and potentially causing rot and mold in the framework.

Paint & lighting

Do you know what paint you want for your bathroom? This is an example of one area where we let the client choose their taste and preferences. Ours is to fine-tune their design in order to make sure that all the colors match with the overall design theme of the bathroom area. There are different types of paint in the market today and we help our clients settle for quality choices that offer the best money value while providing great use value such as quick drying, being eco-friendly, longevity, water resistance, ease of cleaning, and lack of strong smell.

We also love going through different lighting options with our clients, be it recessed ceiling lights, vanity lighting, wall lighting, floor lighting, closet lighting, etc.

Special décor touches

There are many ways to make a bathroom pop and show character and style beyond the basics. Our LA bathroom design build team likes to incorporate special décor touches such as wall hangings, ceramic artwork, furniture, décor lighting, floor rags and mats, and many more. Sometimes we do repurpose items and fixtures from the earlier build during a renovation or utilize recycled materials for a new build just to add more character and maintain environmental consciousness. This is a fun process that you can either carry out together with our design team here at DBCLA or you can choose to have us do all the finishing touches.

Why choose us?

Design Build Company Los Angeles is the perfect partner to hire for your home renovation services or new home design and build services. All our design and construction members are very skilled and have considerable years of experience in construction. So we have the answers to your questions as well as lots of ideas and input on: how to save you money, the best materials to use, and the best techniques to apply on your project. We are professional and this rings true from the first phone call you have with us to the moment we show you your new bathroom. But most importantly, we create beautiful bathrooms with well thought-out concepts; bathrooms that are good-looking, cozy, functional, and well built.


What are the current bathroom trends?

Some of the recent bathroom trends include installation of deep soak tubs for added relaxation. In terms of décor there’s brass finishes which tend to go well with bathrooms, mirrors, integrated lighting, and hexagonal floor tiles.

How long does it take to build a bathroom from scratch?

This depends on a lot of factors. The size of the bathroom is one. Also, if custom bathroom pieces are being built on site that will add some time to the project. If all the manpower is focused on the bathroom, one to two weeks is the average turnaround time.

How do you redesign a small bathroom?

You can make a small bathroom feel more spacious and more comfortable in a number of ways. They include:

  • Adding mirrors to add depth to the space.
  • Installing a tub & shower combo to save space.
  • Lifting the ceiling height.
  • Applying a minimalist approach.
  • Opting for solid colors to the wall.

How can I design my own bathroom?

Envision what kind of bathroom you want and list all the features you’d like in it. Look at your budget and adjust your goals to fit the resources available. Look at photos and videos of bathrooms online for inspiration. Talk to an LA bathroom design team for professional input into your ideas before proceeding to construction.

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